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What is Classical Christian Education?

As a Classical Christian school, Covenant is often asked what makes us different from other schools. Why a Classical Christian education?

At Covenant Academy, we believe a Christ-centered education includes not only a Christian environment where students are instructed with academic excellence but an education that places Christ at the “center of all learning.” This cannot be accomplished by simply adding a Bible curriculum or providing a religion class but rather by integrating the Word of God and placing it at the center of all curriculum (II Timothy 3:16-17). In all levels, programs, and teaching, we boldly acknowledge that all things come from our Creator and that every area of life must be subject to glorifying Him (Romans 11:36). We commit to providing a clear model of the Biblical Christian life (Matthew 22:37-40) while encouraging every student to begin and develop his relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:13-15, 28:18-20).

Covenant Academy is committed to a strong Classical educational model. Classical education is an approach to learning that is rooted in the methodology of the Greeks and Romans. This educational philosophy utilizes teaching based on the Trivium and its three stages: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Classical education works because it focuses on the way children learn best at each one of these three stages of life, then builds on the foundation of previous stages. In the Trivium, students learn foundational facts and skills in the grammar stage, develop critical thinking and reasoning in the logic stage, and refine communication and persuasive abilities in the rhetoric stage.  

Classical Christian education combines classical principles with the truth of a Christian worldview. Biblical values are taught throughout the curriculum, fostering a holistic and faith-based approach to the True, Good, and Beautiful.

Why Christian Classical Education?
By integrating our Biblical worldview with the best in Classical education, we believe Covenant stands alone in providing a distinctively Christian Classical Education. While we recognize that other educational establishments may embrace the Classical methodology, we believe that their teaching is incomplete without a Christ-centered focus.

Classical Christian vs. Christian Education?
View this video that explains the different philosophies of Christian education and what makes ours unique. 

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How Does Covenant Academy Use Technology?
Classical Christian schools are intentional about the use of technology in the classroom. Learn more about Covenant's approach to technology here. 

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The informative videos below give insight on a true Christian Classical Education.

How to raise children who can sit with a good book and read? Who are moved by beauty? Who delight in innocence? Who can walk outdoors and enjoy the beauty of weeds and sparrows? Who still possess youth, which lends them both a frolic childlikeness and a wisdom beyond their years? Who have no compulsions – who don’t have to attend to the constant buzzing of a smartphone, or click on the next link and the next link and the next link, or buy the latest gadget, or submit to the instant urge? – Anthony Esolen, Life Under Compulsion 
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