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Jeremy Johnston excitedly smilingThank you for showing an interest in our school and for visiting our website. We hope that as you learn about our school you will visit us in person!
Above all, Covenant Academy is distinctly Christian. Families choose a classical Christian education for a variety of reasons. Some choose Christian education for the environment. Others make the choice due to a commitment to the classical model and philosophy. My own family chose Covenant Academy because we knew that what my children learned at school would be an extension of what they learned at home. We know that they, like all other students at Covenant, would go into a classroom where they would be seen, known, and loved. For us, Covenant Academy is the only choice.
Covenant Academy is a Kingdom School. All throughout Scripture, we see the Kingdom of God overcoming darkness by means of transformation through the power of the Spirit. Therefore, at Covenant, we seek to be transformational by partnering with like-minded families to cultivate and equip students through carrying out our mission of “Teaching for mastery and training for servant leadership in the knowledge of God.”
All students are image-bearers of God created with an immortal soul with a divine purpose. It is, therefore, imperative that we train our students with an eternal perspective, mimicking the perspective of our Eternal Creator. We believe that the classical philosophy and model of education is the best model by which to do this. 
Put simply, a Classical Education is an education that prioritizes “forming” students rather than simply “informing” students. This means that we intentionally train our students to use a Biblical Worldview to filter through and wrestle with the perplexities of our modern age. This must be done through every subject, and it must be done with a high standard of rigor and in the context of a relationship.
At Covenant Academy, you will find that the relationships of our community are intentional and strong. You will see this openly in the classroom, at a sporting event, at an art gallery, and at our senior thesis presentation. You will also see this as a group of parents and grandparents intentionally dedicate time and prayer specifically for our school and our senior class. 
Our school community is often described as a family. As a family, we encourage you to visit our campus and schedule a tour. We invite you to join us as we seek to partner with like-minded families to assist in the growth, edification, and education of our students.

 Soli Deo Gloria
Jeremy Johnston, M.Ed.
Head of School


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